We work with your essence
~ meet our team ~

Veljko Armano Linta
director, licensed architect, educatorI have been an architect-entrepreneur since designing a school campus in India (2013). Campus life in Norway and the US taught me the importance of the second home's soul. In 2018 I became a Gaia Education certified trainer for ecological, social, economic and worldview sustainability and regeneration. As a designer and educator I hope we'll grow out of the collective human puberty and into a way of life that brings joy to the soul and wellbeing to our planetary home.

Ana Armano Linta
product designer, educatorI have led the Studio's product design since the beginning, while becoming a state-recognised artist due to my exibitions and awards in Croatia and abroad. I have been trained in sustainability and regeneration and have collaborated with companies and associations to develop products and empower teams and communities. I believe we can achieve more together and that sustainability can be combined with business, just like creativity with efficiency.

Igor Zlojtro
collaborator for ecological agricultureWith the aim of contributing to the sustainable interaction of societies and natural systems, I studied ecological agriculture in Zagreb, Vienna and Aarhus, learning about the potentials and technologies of regenerative agriculture. I live and work on my farm, while providing consulting for the design, realisation, development and upkeep of agroecological elements for various projects (nature parks, farms, yards) that have a positive effect on society-nature interactions.
~ press ~
Regenerativna arhitektura
H-ALTER je objavio Veljkov tekst o regenerativnoj arhitekturi, stambenim zadrugama i održivosti (hrvatskih) otoka.

Ethical Design Award
Our locally hand-made wooden memory games OPIP (tactile memory) and SHUM (auditory memory) got the first prize for ethical design at the international PLAN D design festival.

Future architecture
Veljko and Ljiljana Fruk have co-authored a text published in the Routledge Companion to Critical Approachs to Contemporary Architecture.

Tilty at the Milano Design Week
The didactic wooden table Tilty inspired by Croatian lace was selected for the exhibition at the Milano Design Week.

Dojmovi klijenata
"Odgovorni pristup, spremnost na istraživanje, personalizirani pristup i intervjui s ukućanima, obilazak zemljišta i proučavanje mikroklimatskih uvjeta, nenametljivo sugeriranje, nuđenje više rješenja za pojedine probleme, transparentnost poslovanja, informiranost i ekološka osviještenost, smirenost i općenito vrlo, vrlo pozitivna vibra i energija :)"
"Tvoje znanje o ekološkoj održivosti i sistemima koji se mogu inkorporirati u jedno malo, sasvim obično kućanstvo bili su nam presudni pri odabiru arhitekta."
"Jako nam se dopalo kada si sa svakim članom našeg kućanstva proveo neko vrijeme razgovarajući o željama i afinitetima te očekivanjima od novog životnog prostora. Ti si povezao naše misli sa stvarnošću. Vjerujem da su informacije koje si prikupio na taj način bile od presudne važnosti pri stvaranju baš onakvog ambijentalnog ugođaja kakav smo zamišljali i priželjkivali, no možda ga nismo znali verbalizirati."
"Ti si nas kroz sve faze vodio vrlo stručno, a opet nama razumljivo. Odgovarao si na sva naša pitanja vrlo strpljivo, opširno i potpuno je jasno da vladaš tematikom. Ako na neko od pitanja ne znaš ili nisi siguran u odgovor, veselo kažeš: "Imam koga ću pitati..." i onda se javiš za nekoliko dana s opširnim obrazloženjem :)"

Client feedback
"Responsible approach, willingness to do research, personalised approach and interviews with users, visiting the site and analysing the microclimate, gentle suggestions, offering several solutions for individual problems, transparent business, being informed and ecologically aware, calmness and a very, very positive vibe and energy :)"
"Your knowledge about ecological sustainability and the systems that can be incorporated in a small, entirely normal houshold, were crucial for us while choosing the architect."
"We were very happy with how you spent some time with every member of our household, talking about the wishes and affinities and expectations about the new space. You connected our thoughts with reality. I believe the information you gathered in that way was crucial for creating the precise ambience and atmosphere we imagined and wished for, but didn't necessarily know how to verbalise."
"You led us through all the phases as an expert, but in a way that we could understand. You answered all our questions patiently and thoroughly and it is totally clear you know what you are doing. If you don't know the answer to a question or aren't sure about it, you merrily say, "I know whom to ask," and come back in a few days with a thorough explanation :)"